Source code for S1_ARD.util

import os
import re
import math
import time
import shutil
import numpy as np
import pathos.multiprocessing as mp
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit

from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde, variation
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

from astropy.convolution import convolve, CustomKernel

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from matplotlib import patches

from osgeo import gdal, ogr
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_Update

from spatialist import haversine, Raster, Vector, crsConvert, gdalwarp, gdal_translate, intersect
from spatialist.ancillary import finder

[docs]def scatter(x, y, z=None, xlab='', ylab='', title='', nsamples=1000, mask=None, measures=None, regline=False, o2o=False, denscol=False, grid=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, sort_z=False, legend=False, regline_label='regression', o2o_label='1-to-1'): """ general function for creating scatter plots. Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray dataset I y: numpy.ndarray dataset II z: numpy.ndarray dataset III for coloring the data points; overrides parameter `denscol` xlab: str the x-axis label ylab: str the y-axis label title: str the plot title nsamples: int the number of data samples to plot mask: numpy.ndarray an optional array for masking the datasets measures: list additional measures to be printed in a text box; current options: - `eq`: the linear regression equation - `rmse` - `r2` - `n`: the number of samples - `cv_x`, `cv_y`: the coefficient of variation of either `x` or `y` - `mean_x`, `mean_y`: the mean value of either `x` or `y` regline: bool draw a linear regression line? o2o: bool draw a data one-to-one line? denscol: bool color the points by Gaussian density?; overridden by parameter `z` grid: bool add a mesh grid to the plot? xlim: tuple the x-axis limits ylim: tuple the y-axis limits sort_z: bool if `z` is not None, sort its values so that points with high `z` values are plotted last? legend: bool add a legend for the regression line and one-to-one line if they exist? regline_label: str the legend label for the regression line o2o_label: str the legend label for the one-to-one line Returns ------- """ nanmask = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y) if mask is None: mask = nanmask else: mask = mask & nanmask sample_ids = sampler(mask, nsamples) x = x.flatten()[sample_ids] y = y.flatten()[sample_ids] measures = [] if measures is None else measures fields = [] if regline or 'eq' in measures: b, m = polyfit(x, y, 1) if 'eq' in measures: sign = '+' if m > 0 else '-' fields.append('y = {:.2f} {} {:.2f} * x'.format(b, sign, abs(m))) if 'rmse' in measures: rmse = round(math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(x, y)), 2) fields.append('RMSE = {:.2f}'.format(rmse)) if 'r2' in measures: r2 = round(r2_score(x, y), 2) fields.append('$R^2$ = {:.2f}'.format(r2)) if 'n' in measures: fields.append('n = {}'.format(len(x))) if 'cv_x' in measures: cv = round(float(variation(x)), 4) fields.append('CV(x) = {}'.format(cv)) if 'cv_y' in measures: # cv = variation(y) cv = round(float(variation(y)), 4) fields.append('CV(y) = {}'.format(cv)) if 'mean_x' in measures: mean = np.mean(x) fields.append(r'$\mu$(x) = {:.2f}'.format(mean)) if 'mean_y' in measures: mean = np.mean(y) fields.append(r'$\mu$(y) = {:.2f}'.format(mean)) text = '\n'.join(fields) if z is not None: z = z.flatten()[sample_ids] denscol = False # # Sort the points by z, so that points with high z values are plotted last if sort_z: idx = z.argsort() x, y, z = x[idx], y[idx], z[idx] if denscol: # # Calculate the point density xy = np.vstack([x, y]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) # # Sort the points by density, so that the densest points are plotted last idx = z.argsort() x, y, z = x[idx], y[idx], z[idx] plt.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=20, edgecolor=None, zorder=3) # set axes range if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(*xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(*ylim) # determine x-axis limits and compute border offset for lines xmin, xmax = plt.xlim() xo = (xmax - xmin) / 100 * 2 if len(text) > 0: text_box = AnchoredText(text, frameon=True, loc='lower right') plt.setp(text_box.patch, facecolor='white') # , alpha=0.5 plt.gca().add_artist(text_box) if regline: ffit = np.poly1d((m, b)) x_new = np.linspace(xmin + xo, xmax - xo, num=2) plt.plot(x_new, ffit(x_new), color='red', zorder=2, label=regline_label) if o2o: ax = plt.gca() line = Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], color='black', zorder=1, label=o2o_label) transform = ax.transAxes line.set_transform(transform) ax.add_line(line) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel(ylab) if legend: ax = plt.gca() handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(handles) > 0: plt.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left') if grid: plt.grid()
def one2oneSARplotsratio(in_sar1_img, in_sar2_img, vv_band, vh_band, sar1_ref, sar2_ref, lc, lc_ints, lc_string): # Read data. sar1 = readimg2array(in_sar1_img, vv_band, 2) / readimg2array(in_sar1_img, vh_band, 2) sar2 = readimg2array(in_sar2_img, vv_band, 2) / readimg2array(in_sar2_img, vh_band, 2) sar1 = 10 * np.log10(sar1) sar2 = 10 * np.log10(sar2) for p, i in enumerate(lc_ints): start_time = time.time() s1_c = sar1[lc == i] s2_c = sar2[lc == i] sar3 = s1_c[(np.isfinite(s1_c)) & (np.isfinite(s2_c))] sar4 = s2_c[(np.isfinite(s1_c)) & (np.isfinite(s2_c))] print(np.shape(sar3)) print(np.shape(sar4)) lowest = min([min(sar3), min(sar4)]) highest = max([max(sar3), max(sar4)]) o2o_min = [lowest, highest] o2o_max = [lowest, highest] num = len(sar3) rmse = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(sar3, sar4)) print(rmse) r2 = r2_score(sar3, sar4) print(r2) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(sar3, sar4) line = slope * s1_c + intercept print(r_value ** 2, p_value, std_err, intercept, slope) # Plot SAR vars sliced to pixels of land cover. plt.scatter(sar1[lc == i], sar2[lc == i], s=0.1) plt.xlabel('%s' % (sar1_ref)) plt.ylabel('%s' % (sar2_ref)) plt.title('%s \n %s vs %s \n N=%s' % (lc_string[p], sar1_ref, sar2_ref, num)) plt.xlim(lowest, highest) plt.ylim(lowest, highest) # Add one to one line. plt.plot(o2o_min, o2o_max, color="black") # Add best fit line. # plt.plot(np.unique(s1_c), np.poly1d(np.polyfit(s1_c, s2_c, 1))(np.unique(s1_c))) plt.plot(s1_c, line, color="red") plt.grid() print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) sar1 = None sar2 = None sar3 = None sar4 = None # Function to read first band of image and convert to dB is SAR input is specified. def readimg2array(in_img, band, sar): start_time = time.time() ds = gdal.Open(in_img) band = ds.GetRasterBand(band) cols = ds.RasterXSize rows = ds.RasterYSize print(cols, rows) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) if sar == 1: x = band.ReadAsArray() x[(x == -32768) | (x == 0.0)] = 'NaN' return 10 * np.log10(x) elif sar == 2: x = band.ReadAsArray() x[(x == -32768) | (x == 0.0)] = 'NaN' return x else: x = band.ReadAsArray() return x def simplify_lc(in_lc): in_lc = np.where((in_lc <= 11), 1, in_lc) in_lc = np.where((in_lc >= 12) & (in_lc <= 22), 12, in_lc) in_lc = np.where((in_lc >= 23) & (in_lc <= 34), 23, in_lc) in_lc = np.where((in_lc >= 35) & (in_lc <= 39), 35, in_lc) in_lc = np.where((in_lc >= 40) & (in_lc <= 44), 40, in_lc) return in_lc
[docs]def dem_aspect(img): """ compute the aspect of a DEM. Parameters ---------- img: numpy.ndarray the DEM array Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the computed aspect array """ boundary = 'extend' kernel = CustomKernel(np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]]) / 8.) xchangerate_array = -convolve(img, kernel, normalize_kernel=False, boundary=boundary, nan_treatment='fill', fill_value=np.nan) kernel = CustomKernel(np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]]) / 8.) ychangerate_array = -convolve(img, kernel, normalize_kernel=False, boundary=boundary, nan_treatment='fill', fill_value=np.nan) aspect = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(ychangerate_array, -xchangerate_array)) aspect_value = np.copy(aspect) # numpy raises a warning if np.nan values are set to False in a mask with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): mask = aspect < 0.0 aspect_value[mask] = 90.0 - aspect[mask] mask = aspect > 90.0 aspect_value[mask] = 360.0 - aspect[mask] + 90.0 mask = (aspect >= 0.0) & (aspect < 90.0) aspect_value[mask] = 90.0 - aspect[mask] return aspect_value
[docs]def dem_distribution(slope, aspect, head_angle, inc_angle, look_dir='right', nsamples=1000, title='', mask=None): """ create a polar slope-aspect DEM plot superimposed with the area visible to a SAR sensor. Parameters ---------- slope: numpy.ndarray aspect: numpy.ndarray head_angle: float the SAR sensor heading inc_angle: float the SAR sensor's incident angle look_dir: str the SAR sensor look direction; either `left` or `right` nsamples: int the number of samples to select from the `slope` and `aspect` arrays using function :func:`~S1_ARD.util.sampler` title: str the plot's title mask: numpy.ndarray an additional binary array to mask the slope and aspect values Returns ------- See Also -------- visible_sar_angle_map """ nanmask = np.isfinite(slope) & np.isfinite(aspect) if mask is None: mask = nanmask else: mask = mask & nanmask sample_ids = sampler(mask, nsamples) slope = slope.flatten()[sample_ids] aspect = aspect.flatten()[sample_ids] # # Calculate the point density xy = np.vstack([slope, aspect]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) # # Sort the points by density, so that the densest points are plotted last idx = z.argsort() x, y, z = aspect[idx], slope[idx], z[idx] # create visible angle map mesh grid xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.radians(np.arange(0, 361)), np.arange(0, 91), sparse=False) vis_map = visible_sar_angle_map(head_angle, inc_angle, look_dir) # get current axis if a figure exists ax = plt.gca() if plt.get_fignums() else None # create a new figure if there is no axis or the projection of the current axis is not polar if ax is None or not ax.__class__.__name__ == 'PolarAxesSubplot': fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') # ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction(-1) c = ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=10, alpha=0.75) ax.contour(xx, yy, vis_map, colors='red') ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylim(0, 95)
[docs]def dem_slope(img, xres_m, yres_m): """ compute the slope of a DEM. Parameters ---------- img: numpy.ndarray the input DEM xres_m: int or float the x resolution of the DEM in same units as the height values yres_m: int or float the y resolution of the DEM in same units as the height values Returns ------- """ boundary = 'extend' kernel = CustomKernel(np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]]) / (8. * xres_m)) xchangerate_array = convolve(img, kernel, normalize_kernel=False, boundary=boundary, nan_treatment='fill', fill_value=np.nan) kernel = CustomKernel(np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]]) / (8. * yres_m)) ychangerate_array = convolve(img, kernel, normalize_kernel=False, boundary=boundary, nan_treatment='fill', fill_value=np.nan) slope_radians = np.arctan(np.sqrt(np.square(xchangerate_array) + np.square(ychangerate_array))) slope_degrees = np.rad2deg(slope_radians) return slope_degrees
[docs]def dem_degree2meter(demfile): """ compute the spatial resolution in meters for a DEM with WGS84 degree coordinates. Parameters ---------- demfile: str the DEM file Returns ------- tuple (posting_east, posting_north) See Also -------- spatialist.auxil.haversine """ with Raster(demfile) as ras: res_lon, res_lat = ras.res lat = (ras.geo['ymin'] + ras.geo['ymax']) / 2 lon = (ras.geo['xmin'] + ras.geo['xmax']) / 2 post_north = haversine(lat, lon, lat + res_lat, lon) post_east = haversine(lat, lon, lat, lon + res_lon) return post_east, post_north
[docs]def sampler(nanmask, nsamples=None, seed=42): """ central function to select random samples from arrays. Parameters ---------- nanmask: numpy.ndarray a mask to limit the sample selection nsamples: int the number of samples to select seed: int seed used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the generated random samples See Also -------- numpy.random.seed numpy.random.choice """ indices = np.where(nanmask.flatten())[0] samplesize = min(indices.size, nsamples) if nsamples is not None else indices.size np.random.seed(seed) sample_ids = np.random.choice(a=indices, size=samplesize, replace=False) return sample_ids
[docs]def visible_sar_angle_map(head_angle, inc_angle, look_dir='right'): """ create a SAR sensor slope-aspect visibility mask; used by :func:`~S1_ARD.util.dem_distribution`. Parameters ---------- head_angle: float the SAR sensor heading inc_angle: float the SAR sensor's incident angle look_dir: str the SAR sensor look direction; either `left` or `right` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the binary map with aspect-slope coordinates """ # convert deg to rad and geographic heading to mathematical angle head_ang = math.radians(90. - head_angle) inc_ang = math.radians(inc_angle) # flight direction vector vel_vec = np.array([math.cos(head_ang), math.sin(head_ang), 0]) # viewing plane (look vector) if look_dir == 'right': look_vec = np.array([math.sin(inc_ang) * math.sin(head_ang), -math.sin(inc_ang) * math.cos(head_ang), -math.cos(inc_ang)]) viewplane = np.cross(look_vec, vel_vec) elif look_dir == 'left': look_vec = np.array([-math.sin(inc_ang) * math.sin(head_ang), math.sin(inc_ang) * math.cos(head_ang), -math.cos(inc_ang)]) viewplane = np.cross(vel_vec, look_vec) else: raise ValueError("look_dir must either be 'left' or 'right'") # map in aspect and slope coordinates angle, radius = np.meshgrid(np.radians(np.arange(0, 361)), np.radians(np.arange(0, 91)), sparse=False) # surface normal vector normal = np.array([np.sin(radius) * np.cos(angle), np.sin(radius) * np.sin(angle), np.cos(radius)]) # condition that facet is visible by radar view_prod = normal[0, :, :] * look_vec[0] + \ normal[1, :, :] * look_vec[1] + \ normal[2, :, :] * look_vec[2] # condition that facet is tilted positive in viewplane mont_prod = normal[0, :, :] * viewplane[0] + \ normal[1, :, :] * viewplane[1] + \ normal[2, :, :] * viewplane[2] # visible map_array visible_map_array = (view_prod < 0) & (mont_prod > 0) return visible_map_array
[docs]def wkt2shp(wkt, srs, outname): """ convert a well-known text string geometry to a shapefile. Parameters ---------- wkt: str the well-known text description srs: int, str the spatial reference system; see :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert` for options. outname: str the name of the shapefile to write Returns ------- """ geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt) geom.FlattenTo2D() srs = crsConvert(srs, 'osr') layername = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outname))[0] with Vector(driver='Memory') as bbox: bbox.addlayer(layername, srs, geom.GetGeometryType()) bbox.addfield('area', ogr.OFTReal) bbox.addfeature(geom, fields={'area': geom.Area()}) bbox.write(outname, format='ESRI Shapefile') geom = None
[docs]def parallel_apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, cores=4, *args, **kwargs): """ Like :func:`numpy.apply_along_axis()`, but takes advantage of multiple cores. Adapted from `here < easy-parallelization-of-numpy-apply-along-axis>`_. Parameters ---------- func1d: function the function to be applied axis: int the axis along which to apply `func1d` arr: numpy.ndarray the input array cores: int the number of parallel cores args: any Additional arguments to `func1d`. kwargs: any Additional named arguments to `func1d`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ # Effective axis where apply_along_axis() will be applied by each # worker (any non-zero axis number would work, so as to allow the use # of `np.array_split()`, which is only done on axis 0): effective_axis = 1 if axis == 0 else axis if effective_axis != axis: arr = arr.swapaxes(axis, effective_axis) def unpack(arguments): func1d, axis, arr, args, kwargs = arguments return np.apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs) chunks = [(func1d, effective_axis, sub_arr, args, kwargs) for sub_arr in np.array_split(arr, mp.cpu_count())] pool = mp.Pool(cores) individual_results =, chunks) # Freeing the workers: pool.close() pool.join() return np.concatenate(individual_results)
def inc_stack(small, gamma, snap, outdir, prefix=''): outnames_base = ['small', 'gamma', 'snap'] outnames = [os.path.join(outdir, prefix + x) + '.tif' for x in outnames_base] if all([os.path.isfile(x) for x in outnames]): return outnames # set SMALL product nodata GeoTiff value with Raster(small)[0:100, 0:100] as ras: if ras.nodata is None: print('setting nodata value for SMALL product') mat = ras.matrix() nodata = float(mat[0, 0]) ras2 = gdal.Open(small, GA_Update) ras2.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) ras2 = None tmpdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'tmp') if not os.path.isdir(tmpdir): os.makedirs(tmpdir) small_edit = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(small).replace('.tif', '_edit.tif')) if not os.path.isfile(small_edit): print('reducing resolution of SMALL product') gdal_translate(small, small_edit, options={'xRes': 90, 'yRes': 90, 'resampleAlg': 'average', 'format': 'GTiff'}) # subtract 90 degrees from SMALL product small_out = outnames[0] if not os.path.isfile(small_out): print('subtracting 90 degrees from SMALL product') with Raster(small_edit) as ras: mat = ras.matrix() - 90 ras.assign(mat, 0) print('creating {}'.format(small_out)) ras.write(small_out, format='GTiff', nodata=-99) # set GAMMA product nodata value with Raster(gamma) as ras: if ras.nodata != 0: print('setting nodata value of GAMMA product') ras2 = gdal.Open(gamma, GA_Update) ras2.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(0) ras2 = None # convert GAMMA product from radians to degrees gamma_deg = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(gamma).replace('.tif', '_deg.tif')) if not os.path.isfile(gamma_deg): print('converting GAMMA product from radians to degrees') with Raster(gamma) as ras: mat = np.rad2deg(ras.matrix()) ras.assign(mat, 0) ras.write(gamma_deg, format='GTiff') gamma = gamma_deg # use extent of SMALL product as reference ext = Raster(small_out).bbox().extent # create new directory for the stacked files if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # warp the products to their common extent warp_opts = {'options': ['-q'], 'format': 'GTiff', 'multithread': True, 'outputBounds': (ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']), 'dstNodata': -99, 'xRes': 90, 'yRes': 90, 'resampleAlg': 'bilinear', 'dstSRS': 'EPSG:32632'} for i, item in enumerate([gamma, snap]): outfile = outnames[i + 1] if not os.path.isfile(outfile): print('creating {}'.format(outfile)) gdalwarp(src=item, dst=outfile, options=warp_opts) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return outnames
[docs]def commonextent(*args): """ compute the common extent of multiple extent dictionaries. Parameters ---------- args: dict an extent dictionary, see e.g. :attr:`spatialist.vector.Vector.extent` Returns ------- dict: the common extent """ ext_new = {} for ext in args: if len(ext_new.keys()) == 0: ext_new = ext else: for key in ['xmin', 'ymin']: if ext[key] > ext_new[key]: ext_new[key] = ext[key] for key in ['xmax', 'ymax']: if ext[key] < ext_new[key]: ext_new[key] = ext[key] return ext_new
[docs]def clc_legend(filename): """ read clc meta data from the dedicated CSV file available `here < corine-land-cover-3/corine-land-cover-classes-and/clc_legend.csv>`_. Parameters ---------- filename: str the CSV file to be read Returns ------- dict the CSV values in a dictionary """ pattern = r'([0-9]{1,2}),' \ r'([0-9]{3}),' \ r'([a-zA-Z ]*),' \ r'(["]*[a-zA-Z ,-/]*["]*),' \ r'(["]*[a-zA-Z ,-/]*["]*),' \ r'([0-9-]{11})\n' with open(filename, 'r') as clc: keys = clc.readline().strip().split(',') out = dict(zip(keys, [[] for x in keys])) for line in clc: match =, line) if match: items = match.groups() for i in range(0, len(keys)): key = keys[i] if key == 'RGB': value = tuple([int(x) / 255. for x in items[i].split('-')]) else: value = items[i].replace('"', '') out[key].append(value) return out
[docs]def clc_prep(clc, reference, outname): """ resample and crop the corine product to the resolution and extent of a reference image. Parameters ---------- clc: str the name of the CLC input file reference: str the name of the reference file outname: str the named of the output image Returns ------- """ with Raster(reference).bbox() as box_ras: with Raster(clc).bbox() as box_clc: if intersect(box_ras, box_clc) is None: print('no intersect') return if not os.path.isfile(outname): with Raster(reference) as ras: ref_crs = ras.projection xres, yres = ras.res with ras.bbox() as box: ref_ext = box.extent outputBounds = (ref_ext['xmin'], ref_ext['ymin'], ref_ext['xmax'], ref_ext['ymax']) gdalwarp_opt = {'format': 'GTiff', 'outputBounds': outputBounds, 'multithread': True, 'xRes': xres, 'yRes': yres, 'dstSRS': ref_crs, 'resampleAlg': 'mode'} gdalwarp(src=clc, dst=outname, options=gdalwarp_opt) else: print('outfile already exists')
[docs]def clc_prepare(reference, outdir, source): """ create a CLC subset resampled to a reference image. Parameters ---------- reference: str the reference file with the target CRS and extent outdir: str the directory to write the new file to; new files are named clc{index}.tif, e.g. clc1.tif. source: str the original product to be subsetted Returns ------- str the name of the file written to `outdir` """ with Raster(reference) as ras: xRes, yRes = ras.res epsg = ras.epsg ext = ras.extent ######################################################################### warp_opts = {'options': ['-q'], 'format': 'GTiff', 'multithread': True, 'dstNodata': -99, 'resampleAlg': 'mode'} if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) clc_subs = finder(outdir, ['clc[0-9].tif'], regex=True) match = False if len(clc_subs) > 0: for j, sub in enumerate(clc_subs): with Raster(sub) as ras: if ras.extent == ext: clc_sub = sub match = True if not match: clc_sub = os.path.join(outdir, 'clc{}.tif'.format(len(clc_subs))) print('creating', clc_sub) warp_opts['dstSRS'] = 'EPSG:{}'.format(epsg) warp_opts['xRes'] = xRes warp_opts['yRes'] = yRes warp_opts['outputBounds'] = (ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']) gdalwarp(src=source, dst=clc_sub, options=warp_opts) return clc_sub
[docs]def uzh_prepare(reference, outdir, source): """ create an UZH incident angle subset resampled to a reference image. Parameters ---------- reference: str the reference file with the target extent outdir: str the directory to write the new file to; new files are named uzh_{epsg}_{index}.tif, e.g. uzh_4326_1.tif. source: str the original product to be subsetted Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the content of the file written to `outdir` """ with Raster(reference) as ras: xRes, yRes = ras.res epsg = ras.epsg ext = ras.extent warp_opts = {'options': ['-q'], 'format': 'GTiff', 'multithread': True, 'dstNodata': -99, 'resampleAlg': 'bilinear'} if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # find existing files uzh_subs = finder(outdir, ['uzh_[0-9]{4,5}_[0-9].tif'], regex=True) # check if any of the existing files matches the extent of the reference match = False if len(uzh_subs) > 0: for j, sub in enumerate(uzh_subs): with Raster(sub) as ras: if ras.extent == ext: uzh_sub = sub match = True if not match: with Raster(source) as ras: if ras.epsg != epsg: raise RuntimeError('CRS mismatch') basename = 'uzh_{}_{}.tif'.format(epsg, len(uzh_subs)) uzh_sub = os.path.join(outdir, basename) print('creating', uzh_sub) warp_opts['dstSRS'] = 'EPSG:{}'.format(epsg) warp_opts['xRes'] = xRes warp_opts['yRes'] = yRes warp_opts['outputBounds'] = (ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']) gdalwarp(src=source, dst=uzh_sub, options=warp_opts) return uzh_sub
[docs]def dev_max(arr): """ compute the maximum deviation from the median of all array values and the corresponding ID. Parameters ---------- arr: numpy.ndarray the 1D array Returns ------- tuple (maximum deviation, ID) """ if len(arr[~np.isnan(arr)]) > 0: med = np.nanmedian(arr) absdev = abs(arr - med) maxdev = np.nanmax(absdev) if maxdev > 0: maxdev_id = np.nanargmax(absdev) else: maxdev_id = np.nan return maxdev, maxdev_id else: return np.nan, np.nan
[docs]def extent2patch(extent, edgecolor='r'): """ create a matplotlib rectangle patch from an extent dictionary. Parameters ---------- extent: dict an extent dictionary, see e.g. :attr:`spatialist.vector.Vector.extent` edgecolor: str the edge color of the path Returns ------- matplotlib.patches.Rectangle """ xdiff = extent['xmax'] - extent['xmin'] ydiff = extent['ymax'] - extent['ymin'] rect = patches.Rectangle((extent['xmin'], extent['ymin']), xdiff, ydiff, linewidth=2, edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor='none') return rect